Article I – Name and Area


Section 1.  The name of the organization shall be the Council of Albany Neighborhood Associations, Inc., hereinafter referred to as CANA .


Section 2.  The area is defined as the City of Albany, New York.


Article II – Purposes and Objectives


Section 1.  The general purposes of CANA shall be to :


A.     Serve as a clearinghouse of information for the neighborhood groups in the City;

B.     Provide a channel of communication between CANA , governmental agencies and others on concerns that transcend neighborhood boundaries;

C.    Study, plan, promote and implement projects that maintain/enhance the quality of life in the city;

D.    Serve as the voice of the neighborhood interest in areas of City-wide concern;

E.     Stimulate the establishment of neighborhood associations and neighborhood types of activities;

F.     Coordinate neighborhood associations, civic groups and community groups in matters dealing with neighborhood concerns in the City.


Article III – Membership


Section 1. 


A.     Membership in CANA shall be open to any neighborhood association in the City of Albany , which meets the following minimum criteria, subscribes to the general purposes of CANA , and pays the annual dues appropriate to this class.

B.     In order to qualify for membership in CANA , a neighborhood association must meet the following minimum criteria:

1.      Represent a contiguous geographic area, primarily residential in nature

2.      Hold at least two public meetings annually

3.      Have an open membership

4.      Have officers elected by the membership, at least every two years


Section 2.  Associate membership in CANA shall be open to any civic, community, or other organization in the City of Albany which has an interest of concern to CANA , which subscribes to the general purposes of CANA and pays the annual dues appropriate to this class.  Associate members have the right to participate, but not to vote or hold office.


Section 3. 

A.     Any question of membership status shall be referred to the Executive Committee for resolution.  The Executive Committee shall abide by the following procedure in determining whether a new organization shall be admitted to membership status.

B.     Procedure:

1.      Applicants must make formal application for membership to the Executive Committee.

2.      Applicants for admission to CANA must meet the minimum criteria defined in Article III Section 1.A and B.

3.      If the applicant meets all the criteria and the geographic area is unrepresented, the Executive Committee shall recommend to the membership of CANA that the group be admitted into membership.

4.      If the applicant meets all the criteria and the geographic area or part thereof is represented by a member of CANA , then:

a.      The Executive Committee shall require that the applicant meet with the existing neighborhood association or associations to resolve the issue.  CANA recognizes that it is the responsibility of the neighborhood associations to determine whether a new association with its own geographic boundaries should be the recognized neighborhood association for an area.

(1)   In the even that the applicant and neighborhood association(s) agree that a new neighborhood association should be recognized, the Executive Committee shall recommend to CANA that the new group be admitted into membership.

(2)   In the event that the neighborhood association(s) and the applicant do not reach an agreement, the applicant and/or existing neighborhood association may petition CANA directly to request that it resolve the dispute.

(a)   In resolving the dispute, CANA empowers the Executive Committee to take the following issues, among others, into consideration:

                                                                                                                                                  i.      Have all the criteria for admission in face been met by the applicant?

                                                                                                                                                ii.      Does the existing neighborhood association adequately represent the area or areas in question?

(b)   The Executive Committee shall make a recommendation to CANA .

5.      In all cases, final acceptance into CANA membership is made by the members of CANA .

6.      If the Executive Committee determines that the applicant does not meet the criteria for membership but is a civic, community, or other organization which has an interest of concern to CANA , it shall recommend that the group be admitted into associate membership status as defined in Article III, Section2.


Section 4. 

A.     Once admitted, a neighborhood association remains a CANA member until such time as it is brought to the attention of the Executive Committee that the neighborhood association is substantially failing to meet the basic criteria for membership and/or no delegate nor alternate from the neighborhood association has attended three consecutive meetings.

B.     If a neighborhood association either substantially fails to meet the basic membership criteria or its delegates fail to regularly attend, the Executive Committee shall review its full membership status and make an appropriate recommendation to CANA .

C.    In all cases, the final decision as to whether the neighborhood association shall retain full membership status is made by the membership of CANA , with a 2/3 vote required for expulsion.


Article IV – Representation


Section 1.

A.     Each member neighborhood association shall be allotted seats for three official representatives to CANA .  They shall hereinafter be referred to as delegates.  Each delegate shall have one vote.  There is no voting by proxy. 

B.     Each neighborhood association may designate up to three alternatives, in priority order, who shall have the right to act in the absence of a delegate above.

C.    In order to maintain full membership in CANA , a neighborhood association is expected to have its delegates regularly attend CANA meetings.  Failure to regularly attend shall be considered grouds for removal from full membership status.


Section 2.  Associate members shall be allotted three seats for official representation to CANA .  They shall hereinafter be referred to as associate delegates.


Article V – Management


Management of CANA shall be vested in its Executive Committee between regular meetings.  Actions of the Executive Committee shall be subject to confirmation by CANA .


Article VI – Executive Committee


Section 1.  Members:  The Executive Committee of CANA shall consist of its past Chair, officers and five other CANA delegates, as elected by the delegates.  No neighborhood association shall have more than one representative on the Executive Committee.


Section 2.  Meetings:  The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the Chair or upon written request to the Chair by at least three persons on the Executive Committee.


Section 3.  The presence of a majority of the delegates on the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.



Article VII – Officers


Section 1.  Officers of CANA shall consist of a Chair, a Vice-Chair, and a Treasurer.  The duties of Secretary and Treasurer shall be performed by the Neighborhood Resource Center . 


Section 2.  Duties of Officers:


Chair:  The Chair shall preside at all meetings of CANA and the Executive Committee; appoint all committees, except the Nominating Committee; be ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee; and shall have the power to dispense funds.


Vice-Chair:  The Vice-Chair shall, in case of the absence of the Chair, possess all the powers of the Chair and upon the vacancy of such a position, assume such office.


Treasurer:  The Treasurer shall receive dues and other form of income, keep the financial records and make disbursement on behalf of the organization.


Article VIII – All Elected Positions


Section 1.  Eligibility:  Any delegate of a neighborhood association to CANA shall be eligible for election to and may serve as a member of the Executive Committee or as an officer of CANA .


Section 2.  Nominations:  A Nominating Committee, consisting of three CANA delegates from three different neighborhood groups shall be elected by the delegates at least thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Meeting for the purpose of presenting a proposed slate of officers and Executive Committee members.  This slate shall be announced in the call for the Annual Meeting.


Nothing herein contained shall preclude nominations from the floor when duly seconded.


Section 3.  Election and Tenure:  All officers and Executive Committee members shall be elected at the CANA Annual Meeting.  A majority vote of delegates present shall be necessary to elect.  Elections shall be by ballot.  Each officer and Executive Committee member shall be elected for a one-year term and shall assume respective office at the conclusion of the annual meeting.


Section 4.  Vacancies:  If a position of officer other than Chair, or other member on the Executive Committee shall become vacant during the year, such vacancy shall be filled by the Executive Committee.  Persons so appointed shall serve until the next Annual Meeting.


Section 5.  Removal:  Any officer or other member of the Executive Committee may be removed by a majority vote of the delegates at any duly called meeting of CANA .  Such recommendation for removal, however, must be included in the call for the meeting, and recommended to the delegates by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Committee.





Article IX – Meetings


Section 1.  Annual Meeting:  The Annual Meeting for the election of members of the Executive Committee and officers, and for the transaction of other business shall take place during the month of January.  The time and place shall be designated by the Chair subject to the approval of a majority of the Executive Committee.


Section 2.  Meetings:  CANA shall hold monthly meetings from September through June, at such time and place as the membership shall decide at the Annual Meeting.


Article X – Dues and Fiscal Year


Section 1.  Fiscal Year:  The Fiscal Year of CANA shall commence January 1 of each year.


Section 2.  Membership Dues:  Membership dues shall be determined by the delegates at the Annual Meeting, and shall be payable at the beginning of each fiscal year.


Article XI – Amendments


Section 1.  The bylaws may be amended by having a proposed amendment endorsed by at least one delegate from one-third plus one of the member neighborhood associations in CANA , introduced at a regular or special meeting, and voted upon at the next meeting.  The Secretary shall notify the delegates in writing of any proposed amendment at least 10 days prior to the meeting at which it is to be voted upon.  A majority vote of delegates shall be required to amend.


Article XII – Voting


Section 1. 

A.     At any meeting, a list of delegates shall be compiled prior to a vote.  In order to vote, a person must be a duly authorized delegate of a member neighborhood association.

B.     A quorum shall consist of delegates representing one-third plus one of the neighborhood associations belonging to CANA .

C.    Except as otherwise prescribed in the bylaws, authorization for CANA to take action must be demonstrated by consensus.  This consensus shall be shown by a vote of the delegates at a meeting with a quorum present.  For this purpose, a consensus is defined as two-thirds or more of the delegates favoring a position.


Article XIV – Dissolution


Section 1.  In the event of the dissolution of CANA, the residual assets will be turned over to an organization or charity whose goals are compatible with those of CANA .  None of the assets shall be distributed to the benefit of any individual.


Article XV


Section 1.  These bylaws shall take effect after they are introduced at one CANA meeting, discussed at the next CANA meeting, and voted upon at a third CANA meeting.