Explanation of  Amendments to CANA’s By-laws, Adopted at November 2003 Meeting

Background: At CANA’s September 3, 2003 meeting Chair Howie Stoller
recommended that CANA’s By-laws be amended to provide for a Treasurer.
In making such a change other minor amendments are proposed to clarify
some sections. It is also proposed that this position be added to CANA’s
Executive Committee.

The style used in making changes is new material is in italics and
deleted material is in brackets.

1. At present if members of the Executive Committee want to call a
meeting three members of the Committee must make such a request in
writing to the Neighborhood Resource Center (NRC). (It should be
remembered that when CANA was established, its meetings took place in
the building operated by NRC and the staff of NRC provided all the
secretarial services -- taking minutes, preparing agendas, mailing
notices of meetings preparing letters for CANA, etc. plus handling
finances.) Section 2 of Article VI would be amended to delete NRC from
this requirement and substitute instead CANA’s Chair.

2. The By-laws call for NRC to act as Secretary and Treasurer for CANA.
Section 1   of Article VII would be amended to delete this service being
provided by NRC.

3. Section 2 of Article VII would be amended to add the position of
Treasurer as an officer, and list its duties.

4. CANA’s meetings are held monthly, September through June. The
By-laws call for these meetings to run from September through May.
Section 2 of Article would be amended to conform CANA’s meeting schedule
to its long-standing practice, running to June rather than May.

5. To take a position on an issue there must be a consensus of the
delegates, defined as more than two-thirds of the delegates voting.
Subsection C of Section 1 of Article XII would be amended to change the
consensus requirement to two-third or more.