Monthly Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, May 5, 2004 at 7 PM

Main Branch Albany Public Library

(Parking available at rear of library)


1)      Introduction

2)      Minutes

3)      Meeting/Discussion

a)      Albany School Superintendent, Michael Johnson.

4)      Communications/Announcements

a)      Financial Report as of April 25, 2004 .

(1)   Current checking account balance at Charter One Bank - $2,185.70:  Additions, $.50, interest; Dues, $75 - Subtractions, Minute taking, $50; Postage & Web fee, $34.95.

5)      Committee Reports

a)      Cable Committee

b)      Committee on University and Community Relations – Tom Gebhardt

6)      Other

a)      Gun  Violence Resolution

b)      Join School Budget Vote Yes Coalition

c)      Reminder about CANA ListServ

i)        CANA ListServe to simplify the mailing process and store all the sent e-mails in one place. To subscribe to this mailing list, please go to this site,, and choose “subscribe,” under the heading “To Join,” or send an e-mail to 

7)      Future Meetings     

a)      Thursday, May 20, Extra meeting, Professor Ernest Sternberg, Heritage Tourism.

b)      June 2, Tom Nitido, Albany City Comptroller

c)      September 1, Paula Breen, Albany Assistant Chief of Police

8)      Adjourn
Please remember that our meetings may be videotaped for broadcast on access TV.