
Monthly Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, March 5, 2008, at 7 PM
Main Branch Albany Public Library
(Parking available at rear of library)

1) Introduction
2) Presentation
a) Shawn Morris – Common Council President
b) Discussion – Proposed legislation requiring written procedural rules
for the city’ s planning board and zoning board: Joe Cunniff and Dan Van
3) Minutes
4) CANA Dues were due by January 31, 2008
a) Organizations that have paid to date: 2nd Avenue, Albany Bicycle
Coalition, Center Square, Coalition to Save Albany, Delaware,
Helderberg, Hudson Park, . Lincoln Park, Manning Blvd NA, Mansion,
Melrose, NASW NY, Mt. Hope, New Albany NA, New Scotland Whitehall, Off
Campus Affairs, Park South, Pine Hills, Shaker Park/Shaker Road/Bishops
Gate, UWNA, Washington Park, Washington Square, West End.
5) Committee Reports
a) Police Issues
b) Codes
c) Cable
d) Committee on University and Community Relations – Tom Gebhardt
6) Communications/Announcements
a) Financial Report as of February 24, 2008
(1) Current checking account balance at Citizens Bank - $2,357.85:
additions –$665 dues ($575 NA’s; $90 individuals); subtractions – $150
for two months minutes.
7) Reminder about CANA ListServ
i) CANA ListServe to simplify the mailing process and store all the sent
e-mails in one place. To subscribe to this mailing list, please go to
this site, http://www.topica.com/lists/CANA/, and choose “subscribe,”
under the heading “To Join,” or send an e-mail to
8) Future Meetings
a) TBA
9) Adjourn
Please remember that our meetings may be videotaped for broadcast on
access TV.