Monthly Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, November 7, 2001 at 7 PM

Main Branch Albany Public Library
(Parking available rear of Library)


  1. Introduction
  2. Minutes
  3. Speaker – Albany School District Superintendent Lonnie Palmer
  4. Communications/Announcements
    1. Note from Lucile Brewer regarding the Coalition of Public Transportation Advocates who meet every third Wednesday at 7 PM in the library to discuss ways of improving bus service. The next meeting is November 21. Call Lucile Brewer at 436-1944 for more information.
  5. Committee Reports
    1. Committee on University and Community Relations – Tom Gebhardt
    2. Community Police Council
    3. Survey
      1. Status & Issues
      2. Help is needed for data entry and to transcribe comments
    4. Other
    5. Need a nominating committee – to present slate at December meeting.
      1. Tom McPheeters = ARISE Public Meeting on Nov. 13
  6. Adjourn

    Please remember that our meetings are videotaped for broadcast on access TV.